Patching mail subscription failing with resource not found error.

Copper Contributor

Hello team microsoft,


I am using graph mail webhook subscription APIs to get notified when the new mail is received or sent by the user in our native system. Everything works well with creating the subscription and renewing the subscription through patch APIs.

I am aware about the renewal to be done before the subscription expiration so I scheduled the task in such a way that the subscription gets renewed before expiration which actually works well for 3 - 4 days but after that it randomly starts failing with error 

{'code': 'ResourceNotFound', 'message': 'The object was not found.', 'innerError': {'date': '2022-08-18T09:12:42', 'request-id': 'XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX'}}.


Please assist me for the same, If am skipping any step or doing something wrong.


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