Secure Score per Device Group

Brass Contributor

Hello All,

I want to ask if it's possible to add Secure Score calculation per Device Group/Tag in the Defender Secure Score Overview.

We manage multiple devices, some of which are handled by local IT and in different domains. 
We need a separate secure score calculation since it gives us an initial metric of where we are compared to other domains/device groups. You already have the option in Vulnerability Management> Security Recommendations (per device group),can we have it for Secure Score also?

Best Regards,

3 Replies

Hey @Nick_MTB 


Best way to go about this would be to create 2x PowerBI dashboards 


Here is the reference to the API request you would need to create the dashboards with


See link here

Hello @BillClarksonAntill 

Thank you for taking the time, however, Exposure Score differs from Secure Score.
Exposure Score: you can separate it by Device Groups from the main page; if you are lowering the Exposure score, you should raise your Secure Score, but still, Secure Score is calculated by evaluating all the endpoints enrolled in the defender 

I want a secure score calculation for each specific device group like it's already under vulnerability management (exposure score)

To put it as lightly as I can, other local IT branches that don't pay attention, for now, to "fix" the vulnerabilities etc, are dragging the Secure Score down for the rest.




There is a securescore API reference here


It might to get contact with Microsoft to see if they havent created a powerBI dashboard using this reference type queried by devices associated with a certain group


That would get you your result that you need