Nov 22 2023 05:12 AM
Hello All,
I want to ask if it's possible to add Secure Score calculation per Device Group/Tag in the Defender Secure Score Overview.
We manage multiple devices, some of which are handled by local IT and in different domains.
We need a separate secure score calculation since it gives us an initial metric of where we are compared to other domains/device groups. You already have the option in Vulnerability Management> Security Recommendations (per device group),can we have it for Secure Score also?
Best Regards,
Nov 30 2023 09:04 PM
Dec 02 2023 12:35 AM
Hello @BillClarksonAntill
Thank you for taking the time, however, Exposure Score differs from Secure Score.
Exposure Score: you can separate it by Device Groups from the main page; if you are lowering the Exposure score, you should raise your Secure Score, but still, Secure Score is calculated by evaluating all the endpoints enrolled in the defender
I want a secure score calculation for each specific device group like it's already under vulnerability management (exposure score)
To put it as lightly as I can, other local IT branches that don't pay attention, for now, to "fix" the vulnerabilities etc, are dragging the Secure Score down for the rest.
Dec 02 2023 09:36 PM