Release : SQL Server Migration Assistant (SSMA) v9.1
Published Aug 24 2022 12:58 PM 7,203 Views


SQL Server Migration Assistant (SSMA) Access, DB2, MySQL, Oracle, and SAP ASE (formerly SAP Sybase ASE) allow users to convert a database schema to a Microsoft SQL Server schema, deploy the schema, and then migrate data to the target SQL Server (see below for supported versions).


What's new?

The latest release of SSMA enhances the assessment and conversion capabilities of the tool with a targeted set of fixes designed to improve quality and conversion metrics. This release includes the following:


Data migration at scale



  • After converting source schema to SQL compatible target schema, data migration is the next crucial activity. In this new release, SSMA for Oracle and SSMA for Mysql supports at scale data migration to Azure SQL using the power of the cloud scale of Azure data factory.
  • The seamless four step workflow creates azure resources and migrate data using ADF pipelines.
  • A high throughput migration capability that reduces downtime by running parallel data load operation.


Ignore System hidden Columns

  • When schema is migrated from Oracle to Azure SQL, system generated hidden columns at Oracle source such as SYS_NC etc are not relevant  to SQL target. This new capability allows user to exclude system hidden column at the time of schema conversion without rewriting the SQL code.



Supported sources and target versions

Source: For the list of supported sources, please review the information on the Download Center for each of the above SQL Server Migration Assistant downloads.

Target: SQL Server 2012, SQL Server 2014, SQL Server 2016, SQL Server 2017, SQL Server 2019, Azure SQL Database, an Azure SQL Database managed instance, and  Azure Synapse Analytics*.

*Azure SQL Data Warehouse (Azure Synapse Analytics) is supported as a target only when using SSMA for Oracle.



SQL Server Migration Assistant documentation


Version history
Last update:
‎Oct 11 2022 05:26 AM
Updated by: