Dec 10, 2020Bing Anaimals
Is this a feature that is in testing or not in testing.
Since I really love it.
Is this a feature that is in testing or not in testing.
Since I really love it.
Deleted Ooo! Looks like you found one of the features we're testing right now! These answer cards are pretty cute, huh?
Alyxandria (she/her)
Community Manager - Bing Insiders
Rae_Rae Were you trying to send me something since I got a email about you replying to me.
I dont see the message
Deleted IDK which way you posted these screenshots, but I thought I should let you know that two of them are not showing up- the 2nd and the 3rd from top to bottom.
*Please see below what the two screenshots look like on my end:
Otherwise, the other three came out perfectly. =^o^=
Deleted IDK how to fix 'that.' I add the screenshots using the little camera icon. It is SO much easier for me. Plus, I can set the size and placement(s) of 'them.' sorry -_-