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Microsoft 365 Insider Blog

Bookmark locations in documents in Word for the web

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Aug 24, 2024

(Originally published on March 2, 2022 by Jayantika Sarwal)


Greetings, Insiders! My name is Jayantika Sarwal, and I'm a Program Manager on the Word team. I’m thrilled to share with you that a feature you love in Word for Windows and Word for Mac has made its way to Word on the web! You can now bookmark locations in your document and quickly access them later.


Bookmark locations in documents in Word for the web


A bookmark in Word works like a bookmark you might place in a book. It marks a place that you want to save and refer to again later. You can enter as many bookmarks as you need, but make sure to give each one a unique name so they’re easy to identify.


How it works

  1. To insert a bookmark, select any word or text string, picture, or item in your document you want to be able to refer to later, and then select Insert > Link > Bookmarks > New Bookmark.

    New Bookmark command

  2. To show bookmark annotations in your document, select  Links  >Bookmarks, and then select the Show on document checkbox.
  3. To delete a bookmark, after choosing to show bookmark annotations in your document, simply click the bookmark and click Remove button that appears. You can also right-click the bookmark and select Remove Bookmark on the shortcut menu.

    Remove bookmark button


Tips and tricks

Bookmark names:


  • Need to begin with a letter
  • Can include both numbers and letters
  • Cannot include spaces

If you need to separate words when naming your bookmark, you can use an underscore (_). For example, "First_heading."

You can view and navigate through all the bookmarks in your document by using the navigation pane.



The bookmarks feature is available in Word for the web to 10% of the First Release audience. We'll be rolling it out to all users in the coming days and weeks.


Don’t have it yet? It’s probably us, not you.

Features are released over some time to ensure things are working smoothly. We highlight features that you may not have because they’re slowly releasing to larger numbers of Insiders. Sometimes, we remove elements to further improve them based on your feedback. Though this is rare, we also reserve the option to pull a feature entirely out of the product, even if you, as an Insider, have had the opportunity to try it.



We want to hear from you! Please go to Help > Feedback in Word to provide your thoughts about this feature.

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Updated Aug 24, 2024
Version 1.0
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