Shared Channel in new Teams web app files tab not showing

Shared Channel in new Teams web app files tab not showing



 Feb 01 2024

I am trying to evaluate the shared channel experience between our production org tenant and a dev tenant - so I can test our apps in this setup.


I am not if the issue is "unique" to the dev tenant, or a bigger issue (that I need to get escalated).


I have setup shared channels going each way.


Running the web-version of the new Teams experience in the web browser (for both tenants) and using the Edge Dev Tools Network tab; an obvious difference is the Dev tenant (whose data is resident in the USA) is getting a 403 Forbidden response to an API request:<<id>>


Going the other way – with the Dev Tenant channel shared with an external user – all seems well.<<id>>@thread.tacv2/apps/entitlements


To me the obvious difference is and @thread.tacv2.

Whether the difference is caused within the Dev tenant - if so, what can I do.

Or it is coming from the external org tenant - and I have to escalate it through the "normal" channels.


