JS API to Save as PDF (Word, PowerPoint, Excel) similar to Document.SaveAs2

JS API to Save as PDF (Word, PowerPoint, Excel) similar to Document.SaveAs2



 Jun 23 2021
3 Comments (3 New)

This would be very helpful. Thank you!

Iron Contributor

If I am not misunderstanding your request, that already exists in the getFileAsync-API: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/javascript/api/office/office.document?view=word-js-1.3#getFileAsync...

Iron Contributor

@lafepb that is correct, thank you. But getFileAsync-API does not include options. For example, when saving as a PDF I cannot select pages to include or the print quality which are available in VSTO addins.

Brass Contributor

This would be a great extension, being able to create a specific version of PDF. Government agencies usually require PDF/A format, so not being able to create such a PDF (while the app can do that) is a showstopper for many use cases in the new web/js add-in world.