The change notifications in Microsoft currently looks like this:
"value": [
"subscriptionId": "GUID",
"clientState": "SUB_1",
"changeType": "updated",
"resource": "communications/presences('GUID')",
"subscriptionExpirationDateTime": "2022-02-06T23:37:09.2420488-08:00",
"resourceData": {
"@odata.type": "#Microsoft.Graph.presence",
"": "communications/presences('GUID')",
"id": "GUID",
"activity": "Available",
"availability": "Available"
"tenantId": "GUID"
The change notification however, does not have the information about which application triggered it. If this data is missing, applications that have a two way integration with Microsoft have a looping problem.
For instance, let us say an app sets teams presence using setUserPreferred presence API whenever it's own state changes. When the web-hook from Teams comes in for the changes made, the app again changes it's own presence and sends setPresence to Teams which again triggers web-hook. This is a never ending loop rendering the change notifications unusable.
In this case, adding a `triggerredBy` field containing the clientId of the application that triggered it would let my application know if it should reject a web-hook since the web-hook was triggered by it's own action or it should be processed since the presence was changed on Teams application.