Ability to update or create an event without sending a notification email to attendees

Ability to update or create an event without sending a notification email to attendees



 May 07 2021
17 Comments (17 New)

Each time a new event is created or updated in Microsoft Graph API, a notification email is sent to the attendees.


We use Microsoft Graph to sync calendar event between our software and Outlook calendar. We'd like to be able to create or update an event with Microsoft Graph without having an email sent to attendees, for example when we sync past events, or when the attendees are notified by other means.


There should be an option to create or update an event without sending email.

Copper Contributor

Any news on that topic?

Copper Contributor

This is a huge issue for my organization. Are there any timelines for when this will be resolved? 

Copper Contributor

+1 to this. We update event descriptions with URLs to meeting notes when they become available, but this isn't a change that anyone needs to be notified about. This causes confusion and annoys people because of the unnecessary emails. Would love to be able to specify when emails should go out like we can with other calendar providers.

Copper Contributor

This would be highly appreciated feature! Updating the description of an event or adding participants to a bigger event creates a huge amount of unnecessary email notifications. Users are annoyed even though we are transferring those notifications directly to deleted items-box.


We are using a separate sync account: If this would decrease also the amount of messages travelling through this account, we wouldn't have so many troubles with exceeding the 10.000 messages per day limit.


Hope this feature would come soon!


Copper Contributor

Representing a edtech company which synchronizes School data from a collection of MIS systems. We fetch data from MIS systems and synchronize the data to Azure/O365 environments via GraphAPI. It's critical that the students + teachers not are getting SPAMMED in their inboxes with email notifications when it comes to their lessons (Their Outlook calendar). 


Currently we are not able to offer calendar synchronization (from MIS -> Outlook calendar) due to the system SPAMMING all the users with email notifications of their calendar events created and maintained by us. 


PLEASE prioritize this feature request, we really need the option to set a flag which deactivates everything related to email notifications of calendars that we create and maintain through the GraphAPI.

Copper Contributor

Not having this feature hurts customers who are migrating to Microsoft 365 and bringing calendar data with them. In EWS, these meetings can be imported without sending new invitations, which is what most people want to avoid an invite storm during the migration. This is not currently possible in Graph and is a major problem for migrations.

Copper Contributor

Please consider adding this feature

Copper Contributor


Copper Contributor

Hi, we also need that feature if you can make it happen

Copper Contributor


Yes, this is a feature we also need. 
Having the ability to switch off the notifications is very important to us when importing calendars.
Definitely don't want to spam our users.

Google allows us to switch off the notifications, so we can provide this to users.
But I don't feel comfortable integrating Microsoft until this is added. 

Please add this feature, or let us know if we can help👍🏻


Copper Contributor



The feature is still need.




Copper Contributor



I'd like to add my voice to those requesting this feature. We need to create calendar events on behalf of our users, and Exchange/M365 automatically sending out email invitations causes confusion. This should not be a difficult feature to implement, please consider this enhancement.


Copper Contributor

upvoting - heavily requested feature from our users

Copper Contributor


We are migrating and we would like to recreate events without spamming the mailboxes of employees.




Brass Contributor

Very surprised this isn't an option - please add as a matter of priority - I see the original request on here was from 2 years ago!

Copper Contributor

still critical!!! Causing a huge amount of headaches

Copper Contributor

This is still a problem and while Microsoft keeps pushing their new APIs and we have no other option but to migrate to MsGraph, nothing seems to be done at managing many of the concerns of smaller business customers.

And while MS pushes their new O365 products, they are careful to not even touch any of the pre-existing designs of all the new web-based clients. For the end user, everything looks the same as before, as if their outlook client only had some minor cosmetic touch-ups. So if anything that worked previously regarding interfacing with other products, doesn't work anymore, it is of course us who get all the pushback.


I keep seeing the same pattern:

Common issues adressed by customers and their clients are ignored for many years and you never even see any statement of a Microsoft representative acknowleding the issue or adressing it in any way.


This particular issue affects two of our Office integrations:

  • Creation of Calendar Events for online meetings (which of course contains Attendee data, but we now have to scrap it before going live with this feature)
  • Synching/Migration of calendar data (Why the heck would we want to spam the user with invatations of events years in the past)

How many years do have to pass or how many upvotes does an issue need, before there's any response by a Microsoft representative?