Apr 18 2019 08:48 PM
Team ,
I am quite new to the MS community and just trying to understand which version of office can be installed to client desktop as part of MS E3 or E5.
I have seen , office 2019 and Pro plus are the latest version of office so can i have either one if i have Office 365 E3 or E5 licenses. or is it tied to specific versions.
Thank you.
Apr 19 2019 02:21 AM
@mehta deepak You will have the same Office with E3 or E5, E5 just brings a few security features not related to the Office client. The Office version you will have with E3/E5 is Office Pro Plus.
Have a look here : https://products.office.com/en-us/business/compare-more-office-365-for-business-plans
Apr 19 2019 04:55 AM
Apr 19 2019 05:19 AM
SolutionHi @mehta deepak ,
Office 365 E3 and E5 have already Office 365 ProPlus, if you install Office 2019 you will need a sepparate license.
Apr 19 2019 06:17 AM
Apr 20 2019 07:52 AM
Office 2019 is intended to On-premises instalations and customers that does not have any cloud licenses and need to be updated to the lastest on-premises Office with updates more slower that Office 365 ProPlus but as a prepetual license or in some cases in a contract with Microsoft called Enterprise Agreement. Then Office 365 ProPlus is the Office that is updated Monthly with new features and in a model of subscription.
Apr 19 2019 05:19 AM
SolutionHi @mehta deepak ,
Office 365 E3 and E5 have already Office 365 ProPlus, if you install Office 2019 you will need a sepparate license.