Feb 17 2017 04:46 PM
I am a current student at the University of Southern Indiana.
I would like to take advantage of the tools and resources that are available here.
The university offers Office 365 Pro Plus Retail for students in a click to run file online.
I would like to utilize the deployment tool howerver for a custom installation on an external drive.
Could anyone please assist me step by step through the proper configuration process.
I have attempted mulitiple times without success.
I am recieving an error code -
Please help.
I need to be able to find out why there is a problem with downloading the files for office 365.
All is well up until that point. Here are some screen shots, and I hope a really smart tech finds these
and helps out.
Feb 17 2017 06:29 PM
Feb 17 2017 06:37 PM
Hi Shanell,
You can folow this articles:
Here is an example that you can use that it works with the download and configure switches to customize your instalation.
Feb 19 2017 09:40 PM
Hi Shanell, as Nuno suggested, I also recommend to use the XML editor at http://officedev.github.io/Office-IT-Pro-Deployment-Scripts/XmlEditor.html to create your configuration.xml. To me, the sourcepath in your XML looks malformed. In your case it should be SourcePath="D:\Office365\O365Deployment\Office". After fixing this, it should run.
Hope this helps,