May 12 2020 02:30 PM - edited May 12 2020 02:31 PM
New name |
Previous name |
Beta Channel |
Insider |
Current Channel (Preview) |
Monthly Channel (Targeted) |
Current Channel |
Monthly Channel |
Monthly Enterprise Channel |
Semi-Annual Enterprise Channel (Preview) |
Semi-Annual Channel (Targeted) |
Semi-Annual Enterprise Channel |
Semi-Annual Channel |
May 13 2020 12:48 AM - edited Jan 26 2021 01:01 AM
@Eric_Wayne Hello Eric, thanks for this information. A great complement to the info at MS docs.
Dec 03 2020 04:17 AM
May I know what percentage of Enterprises(>50K users) adopted which channels?
We are struggling with semi-Annual Channel and planning to move to Monthly because of many product bugs.
Dec 03 2020 06:08 AM
@Firoz1723 that's a great question. many enterprise customers are finding that the Semi-Annual channel is a too slow with product features, code improvements and bug fixes. They also found the current channel to be to fast with its potential for multiple updates in a calendar month. Therefor, we created and HIGHLY recommend that customers in your situation use the Monthly Enterprise Channel. This channel is specifically designed to give our customers those bug fixes and new features faster, while staying predictable in its update cadence - one update a month, on patch Tuesday.
Hopefully that answers your question. Let me know if you have any follow ups or would like to discuss channel changing further. Happy to help!
Dec 03 2020 07:10 AM
Dec 03 2020 07:19 AM
Dec 03 2020 07:29 AM
@Eric_Wayne How we consider the bugs found in the semi-annual channel but no problem in the preview? Even the consecutive month's release(SM 2002) did not fix any of the issues.
how this works in above scenario?
Dec 03 2020 07:30 AM
Dec 03 2020 07:52 AM
@Firoz1723 Unfortunately, that can happen. If we are made aware of a bug after a certain cut off period, we don't have time to fix it and release it before we publish the next version of the Semi-Annual channel. So entire builds of Semi-Annual channel can have a bug in it. However, one thing to consider is that some of the issues aren't from Office itself. We have seen both Windows and Configuration Manager updates create issues for the Office client. It really comes down to when we are made aware of an issue and sometimes a bug is not discovered by us or our customers before the cut off for the next release of Semi-Annual and therefor we can't fix it in time. This is one of the biggest reasons I tell customers for the majority of your devices that are not running macros or doing key line of work processes, that they should use the Monthly Enterprise Channel. That way, when things are discovered, they get fixed and published to this channel much sooner then the Semi-Annual channel.
Dec 03 2020 08:02 AM
Dec 03 2020 08:03 AM
@ChristianBergstrom - yeah, we should potentially word some of that differently in the article. We have in the past, although it is extremely rare, made a bug fix across all channels in a given month (out of band). We are very cautious about making changes to Semi-Annual Enterprise after it is published as we want to make as few changes to that release as possible. We will make security changes monthly, as that is a necessary code change risk for the greater good. Otherwise, we try to leave that build alone and recommend that channel for the mission critical devices in an organization that are running complex macros and home grown add-ins that need full pass testing. For the rest of the organization, we recommend the Monthly Enterprise Channel so they can get both fixes, and as you correctly called out, features sooner.
Dec 03 2020 01:24 PM
Dec 07 2020 12:55 AM
In case someone is wondering, if this is documented somewhere: Overview of update channels for Microsoft 365 Apps - Deploy Office | Microsoft Docs, section "Non-security updates for Semi-Annual Enterprise Channel", third paragraph. There we documented that SAEC is a "stable" channel, which should not be confused with "the one with the highest number of bugfixes".
Dec 07 2020 01:12 AM
May 12 2021 05:33 AM
@Eric_WayneThe Monthly Channel has been extremely buggy this month what with the AutoComplete scrolling up issue and the invisible text problems. In my experience stability is much much more important to all of my clients than "new features", like moving the Search box around. So Semi-Annual Channel for everyone, and Monthly Chanell for suckers.