Manual save or recovery data overwritten

Copper Contributor

Hello everyone, well found.


Probably for my problem there is already the solution, but I do not know it and I do not get there by myself.


The ability to make a manual backup to overcome the problem described below is not applicable because it would require you to make a backup each time you log in to OneNote.



The premise is that OneNote - whatever Windows, Android or iOS device you're using - quickly saves any changes and stores them centrally in the cloud.


This mode is undoubtedly comfortable, but as with all conveniences there is a downside:


If by accident, or by mistake, I overwrite important data, such as a password, without my being able to remember or rebuild it, or if the cat walks on the keyboard, the new typing replaces the existing one that is lost forever.


The question: is there any way to recover the newly overwritten data?

Alternatively, is it possible to disable auto save on any version of OneNote (Windows, Android, iOS) and replace it with a manual save button?



2 Replies


I waited patiently for an answer, but I was not lucky so I repeat the question:
Can I recover data overwritten by mistake or inattention in OneNote?
Alternatively, can I disable OneNote's autosave by replacing it with a manual save button?


Hello there!

I understand your concern about accidentally overwriting important data on OneNote. It's frustrating to lose something that you may never be able to recover again.
Unfortunately, there is no way to disable auto-save in OneNote, as far as I know. OneNote saves data continuously to prevent data loss, but it's understandable that some users would prefer a manual save button instead.
In my opinion, Microsoft's built-in security capabilities for Office 365, including OneNote, are essential to ensuring that your data is protected against loss or malicious attacks. However, it's always good to have a backup plan in place, especially for sensitive data. Have you considered using an external backup solution or password manager to safeguard your important information?