Apr 02 2021 09:20 AM
I know this is odd to say this in a Microsoft forum, but I want to get rid of using Excel altogether (too expensive for a private use).
One alternative is Libreoffice calc, but how do you insert a LibreOffice calc spreadsheet into OneNote?
If it is not possible by Microsoft design, then I will have to look for another note taking app. PLease recommend another note taking app that can insert Libreoffice calc sheets.
Apr 05 2021 02:14 AM
SolutionApr 05 2021 05:05 AM
Jun 24 2021 09:34 PM
@ppmsftyou can try this:
LibreOffice Viewer - this is beta version still https://f-droid.org/packages/org.documentfoundation.libreoffice/
Colabora - https://www.collaboraoffice.com/collabora-office-android-ios-release-notes/ - it is based on LibreOffice
Apr 05 2021 02:14 AM