Support Tip: Connecting Adobe and OneDrive for Business
Published Mar 09 2021 03:01 PM 19K Views

Adobe Acrobat recently updated their application to include deeper integration with Microsoft including access to OneDrive for Business files. This integration allows users to access their OneDrive for Business files from the Acrobat app. The improvements have a few configuration changes which will require that Intune admins approve the Adobe Acrobat app to connect to the Intune service. This is a one-time approval that you may not have had to do historically when connecting Adobe Acrobat and OneDrive for Business.


There are two options for this one-time approval:

  1. Use the latest Adobe Acrobat iOS and Android app and enable the OneDrive feature:

    Adobe Acrobat Reader for PDF approval promptAdobe Acrobat Reader for PDF approval prompt
  2. Use the link below to associate the two for your organization:

    Permissions requested - Review for your organization | Adobe Acrobat Reader

    Admin consent - Permissions requested for review and approval processAdmin consent - Permissions requested for review and approval process

Enjoy the integration!


More info and feedback

Let us know if you have any additional questions by replying to this post or reaching out to @IntuneSuppTeam on Twitter.

Version history
Last update:
‎Nov 30 2023 04:12 PM
Updated by: