2 TopicsAdmin - Get List of New Flows : Error
Hello, I'm a billing admin, I tried to use the flow template to get list of flows created from [StartDate] - [EndDate]. I tried basic auth and gave credentials. I get below error: {"odata.error":{"code":"","message":{"lang":"en-US","value":"Resource not found for the segment 'UnifiedAuditLog'."}}} I tried couple of other blog posts, it went no where. I followed this article as well, Any idea? Looking for some suggestions.SolvedTrigger a flow to send custom message email
Hello, I thought this would be very easy, but I'm stuck while implementing. Requirement: On click (JSON format flow trigger, image below) trigger a flow to send email with custom message. I could trigger a flow, but couldn't figure out how to get the document link and a custom user message to the flow. Bottom line: Is there a way to send parameters to flow which is button triggered.Solved