Forum Discussion
Aug 29, 2016Setup Auto Reply from email addresses
Hello All, We are almost finishing the integration project with another email domain. We are planning to set up an automated response for 150+ users for their legacy email addresses. How do w...
- Aug 29, 2016
You can use the below script to get this done.
$NewdomainName="" $Mailboxs=get-mailbox -resultsize unlimited | Where { $_.RecipientTypeDetails -eq ‘LegacyMailbox’ } Foreach($Mailbox in $mailboxs) { $Message="email address no more exist please send email to"+$Mailbox.Alias+$NewdomainName Set-MailboxAutoReplyConfiguration -Identity $Mailbox.Identity -AutoReplyState scheduled -InternalMessage $Message -ExternalMessage $Message }
Aug 29, 2016Bronze Contributor
You can able to set this using Set-MailboxAutoReplyConfiguration. For more details refer this blog
- DeletedAug 29, 2016
Thanks Santosh.
Looking at the drawback i dont think it will be a viable solution. As our requirement is to fire auto response from all 150 users. so Mail flow rule i guess not viable one. Coming back to powershell we want the rule to fire only when it hit legacy address of the email.