Forum Discussion
Phantom Account
I was wrong it isn't a public folder. I did some more research and what is a SchedulingMailbox? This might be that and if so can it be converted to a regular mailbox?
We had a very similar case. I have found a strange address in our global address book, which actually had a typo in it, so at first i thought emails go nowhere. But once i have typed the correct address, say, it actually forwarded the email to another user Nobody new what was this address, nor that user, nor me. Maybe at some point somebody was experimenting with forwarders. Anyway, this SMTP address existed, but no user tied to it (not in local AD nor ir Azure AD).
get-mailbox -identity was returning result with in ForwardingSmtpAddress line.
But trying to delete that mailbox with PermanentlyDelete switch gave error that user still exists, although it couldn't find the user. With the help of MS support we were able to remove it finally.
Everything was done via PoweShell. It went like this:
$UserCredential = Get-Credential
$Session = New-PSSession -ConfigurationName Microsoft.Exchange -ConnectionUri -Credential $UserCredential -Authentication Basic -AllowRedirection
Import-PSSession $Session
$a = get-msoluser -all
$b = get-msoluser -all -returndeletedusers
$c = get-msolgroup -all
$d = get-msolcontact -all
$e = get-recipient -resultsize unlimited
$all = $a+$b+$c+$d+$e
$search = ""
$all | ?{$_.emailaddresses -match $search -or $_.emailaddress -match $search -or $_.userprincipalname -eq $search -or $_.proxyaddresses -match $search}
remove-mailbox -identity
Not sure why it didn't work with simple remove-mailbox command. But it was removed and disappeared from global list, so the ticket was resolved.