Apr 27 2020 02:48 AM
Hi, i try to set language italian for all mailbox with command:
[PS] C:\Windows\system32>set-culture it-iT
[PS] C:\Windows\system32>get-culture
LCID Name DisplayName
---- ---- -----------
1040 it-IT Italiano (Italia)
when i set autoreply message and i send a mail, the autoreply message appears in english not italian.
how can i change autoreply message in italian language?
what is the command to run to fix this problem?
thank you
Apr 27 2020 09:24 AM
Auto-reply messages are not localized, it will always be sent exactly as you entered it. So simply use Italian when composing the auto-reply message.
Apr 28 2020 12:38 AM
in autoreply message (object) appears:
i need change (Automatic reply:) in (Risposta automatica:) and this is localized somewhere in exchange but i don't know where.
can you help me?
thank you
Apr 28 2020 08:15 AM
Ah, now I see what you mean. That part should indeed be localized, but you might need to re-enable OOO after you have changed the localization of the mailbox.
Jan 18 2022 04:43 AM