Exchange On-Prem Messages Delayed Delivery to Exchange Online
We have an on-premises Exchange server (2019) which relays messages from on-premises clients (scanners, servers, etc.) and most of our user mailboxes are in Exchange Online.
Over the past few days, some (but not all) messages relayed from the on-premises server to exchange online get delayed for up to nearly 2 hours. You can tell from the timestamps in the headers of the messages.
As an example, this morning, I ran the Get-Queue command on my on-premises server. This showed 32 messages in the queue to my exchange online domain (
Some of the messages had been delayed over an hour.
When I ran Get-Queue -Identity "8137" nearly all the messages showed as being in "ready" status.
Nothing in queue was being delivered.
I then ran Retry-Queue -Identity "8137" and within about a minute all the messages were delivered.
As I noted, this has happened a few days in a row now and not sure why. I've rebooted the server and it still persists, sometimes.
Can anyone suggest next steps to investigate why this is happening?