Archive a 55GB Mailbox
Dear Team,
A user within my company has a mailbox of 55GB size. We wish to archive all the emails as pst file.
However using the export as pst option created a file of 191GB (and counting) as a result we had to cancel the process. Is there any other way i could get this done?
Many thanks.
Hello Travis. One method that I have used in the past to break up a large PST is to use a contentFilter to export only a few weeks or months at a time. For example look at the creation date on the mailbox
get-mailbox myArchiveMailbox | fl *creat*
or use best guess for how far back the mail data goes. then create mailboxexportRequests for each
New-MailboxExportRequest -Mailbox myArchiveMailbox -ContentFilter {(Sent -gt "05/01/2019") -AND (Sent -lt "05/10/2019")} -filepath "\\myFileServer01\d$\breakout01.pst" -batchname "myArchiveBreakout" -baditemlimit 500 -acceptLargeDataLoss
this would create a mailboxexport to breakout01.pst on fileserver myFileServer01, d: drive. for all mail sent from may 1st to may 10 (at 12:00am). without a time specified, it will equal 12:00am.
I have used this method in the past to do exactly what you are asking, without 3rd party tools. You hopefully do not need to create too many of these but if you do, let me know and I can help you script out the creation of several hundreds of these (i.e. every 2 weeks for a 2 year process).
Finally, with several dozen exports queued up, you can check the status with:
get-mailboxexportRequest -batchname "myArchiveBreakout"
get-mailboxexportRequest -batchname "myArchiveBreakout" | get-mailboxexportRequestStatistics
Best of Luck!