IE Site list mode not working
I'm trying to use the Enterprise Site List in Edge chromium. I read and followed the instructions and set the GP settings as mentioned in the MS instructions page.
The site list xml file was created using "Enterprise Mode Site List Manager v2" and worked fine on the pre-chromium Edge versions. I loads fine when trying to open in the browser.
I see the set policies in the 'edge://policy/' page (exported json file attached), it shows correctly with the correct URL addresses in the 'edge://compat/enterprise' page, but when I try to actually open one of the URLs, it loads up via Edge chromium and not IE, as I would expect.
I'm Running Windows 10 Enterprise OS Version 1803 (Build 17134.1304)
and Edge Version 80.0.361.54 (Official build) (64-bit)
Would appreciate any help on this, as I'm sure I followed all requirements, but fail to see the results.
eladz6 That is odd. We can take a look. Can you please send us the following -
1. A screenshot of edge://compat/iediagnostic
2. Start Edge with the command line "msedge.exe --enable-logging --v=1 --vmodule=*/dual_engine/*"
This will create a log in "%localappdata%\microsoft\Edge<Canary/Dev/Beta>\user data\chrome_debug.log"
This log is human readable and will contain URLs. Please proof read to ensure there is no PII information included before you share back with us.
Feel free to share the log via Private Message if you prefer.