Disable Update Edge Chromium

Copper Contributor


I have a little Problem with disabling the update function in Windows 10 IoT (HP THin Clients). 


We built a scenario with a web access over Edge Chromium on a HP Thin Client with Windows 10 IoT write protection on. We have disabled all  update option, because of windows write protection on.


But after every (3-5 days) i got following popup.Edge update reboot.jpg

If i press ok or restart now, nothing happens, because the edge update is disabled.


I lookin for a way to prevent from this message and the restart off edge chrome.



Thanks from you help an inputs

2 Replies



This window should only come if you have set relaunchnotification  to "Required (2)". Check your Policys under edge://policy/  to find ou whats really set. Seems there are more policys active than you might thought.



Hi Joachim, sorry for the late answer, thanks für your hint. I have found the solution in an new installation after i set all reg key for disabling the update. After this I activate the writefilter and it works.