Microsoft University Student Recruiting in Africa
Published Jul 06 2022 10:26 AM 2,618 Views

We recently shared about the In-Country MLSA Peer Mentorship Program, and we just had our very first soft skills session on CV/Resume best practices by Aurele Mes Boaye, an EMEA Engineering University Recruiter at Microsoft.


If you missed the session, here is what you need to catch up (Follow us on twitter to get notified of the upcoming activities):

Presentation content:

  • Microsoft University Recruiting in Africa
  • University Programs
  • Requirements for intern roles
  • Requirements for graduate roles
  • Application process
  • What University Recruiters are looking for
  • Frequently asked questions (FAQ)

Find the presentation deck here

These are some of the questions we received from the attendees, and below is the session recording with the recruiter’s responses and more:

  1. What if you don’t have a degree but you have a diploma, do you have a chance for getting internship or full-time job?
  2. A different recruiter once advised that you shouldn't have 'ratings' to the skills you have coz it may play against the applicant. Thoughts? 
  3. Do self-taught developers stand a chance? 
  4. What if your degree is not related to any tech-related course?

Note: This activity is a precursor to the Git & GitHub Technical workshop, where we will build websites to showcase our resumes.

Please let us know if you have any questions.

~ Cheers!



Version history
Last update:
‎Jul 07 2022 03:47 PM
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