Oct 23 2018 02:10 AM - edited Oct 23 2018 02:10 AM
I'm hoping to give a presentation to some senior members, talking about:
1) An overview of some of the main Office apps (Planner, Yammer, Teams etc), what they do, but more importantly why you would use them
2) Talk about some work based scenarios - examples such as people taking written notes when theres OneNote.
Are there any examples or resources such as powerpoints that have some of this information already?
But more importantly to raise awareness, are there any work based scenario examples available where Office 365 is used to increase productivity? Examples such as we used to do....but now use e.g. Planner to.... get it done more effectively?
Thank you
Oct 23 2018 05:03 AM
I would suggest to start here https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoft-365/success/champions?rtc=1
Oct 31 2018 09:30 AM
SolutionWe had a couple of use cases that made sense for our environment:
1) Teams Conversations v Email:
When someone leaves the company, their Outlook is transferred to their supervisor who has to go through mountains of emails to find out what is relevant and what can be tossed. If the departed person was working on active projects, this can be a significant disruption to the project. If instead, all the work for a project is done in Teams, all those communication artifacts are preserved in the Team, thus avoiding disruption. Also the replacement project team members can browse through all the conversation history and catch up quickly.
2) Paper binders v OneNote:
We have thousands of paper binders being stored in the company. They are mostly used for Executive Briefs. The binders have to be prepared, printed, updated and then filed in filing cabinets. This means a cost for each of those activities, and potentially paying for floor space for the cabinets for decades. Huge waste of money. Instead, we changed the work practices to use OneNote instead, and now we have efficient, electronic binders instead, shared so that there is one source of truth.
3) The field worker
We have many field workers who need to be connected via mobile device. They now benefit from being able to work anywhere, on any device and stay connected. They protect each other by staying connected during the work day using Yammer, or Skype for Business, or Teams. When there is a threat e.g. storm, wildlife, fire etc. they can help each other quickly to get to safety.
4) Physical Meetings v Virtual Meetings
We have reduced costs related to time and travel by adopting a practice of having virtual meetings in preference to physical meetings. Everyone in the company has Skype for Business and Teams and are now used to the idea of meeting and also receiving training via online meetings. Many staff have given up their landlines and teleconferencing licenses which has resulted in additional cost savings for the company.
Nov 05 2018 01:17 PM
Hi @tested901. Two places to get some inspiration for work based scenarios are
I realise that neither of these links take you to ready-made slide decks you can take and adjust for your presentation.
You may want to try some of the MSIgnite slide decks, such as the one for this OneNote session.
Nov 14 2018 01:51 AM
HI there.. Here are some slides I use for this all the time. The first two talk about how to map a scenario and prioritize them. The last two give scenario examples I use quite often as a kick start to this conversation. It's worth nothing that at every customer I see it always works well to customize the last two slides for their business.
Also if you haven't joined our other forum already as a member of my public champions program I think you'd enjoy the assets and monthly calls on these topics. You can join at https://aka.ms/O365Champions and then you'll get access to other tools and assets like this. Enjoy!
Nov 14 2018 07:31 AM
Nov 15 2018 11:40 AM
Jan 02 2019 06:27 PM
I don't have a specific resource to share with you, but I would suggest you eliminate item one and focus on item two. In my experience, users (especially executives) frequently don't care at all about a tool unless it was their idea. What they always care about is pain points and how to make it stop hurting. If you frame the entire presentation about business problems and use cases that either weren't possible or were painful before - that's the best way to grab interest and make the tools that we care about instantly relatable.
Oct 31 2018 09:30 AM
SolutionWe had a couple of use cases that made sense for our environment:
1) Teams Conversations v Email:
When someone leaves the company, their Outlook is transferred to their supervisor who has to go through mountains of emails to find out what is relevant and what can be tossed. If the departed person was working on active projects, this can be a significant disruption to the project. If instead, all the work for a project is done in Teams, all those communication artifacts are preserved in the Team, thus avoiding disruption. Also the replacement project team members can browse through all the conversation history and catch up quickly.
2) Paper binders v OneNote:
We have thousands of paper binders being stored in the company. They are mostly used for Executive Briefs. The binders have to be prepared, printed, updated and then filed in filing cabinets. This means a cost for each of those activities, and potentially paying for floor space for the cabinets for decades. Huge waste of money. Instead, we changed the work practices to use OneNote instead, and now we have efficient, electronic binders instead, shared so that there is one source of truth.
3) The field worker
We have many field workers who need to be connected via mobile device. They now benefit from being able to work anywhere, on any device and stay connected. They protect each other by staying connected during the work day using Yammer, or Skype for Business, or Teams. When there is a threat e.g. storm, wildlife, fire etc. they can help each other quickly to get to safety.
4) Physical Meetings v Virtual Meetings
We have reduced costs related to time and travel by adopting a practice of having virtual meetings in preference to physical meetings. Everyone in the company has Skype for Business and Teams and are now used to the idea of meeting and also receiving training via online meetings. Many staff have given up their landlines and teleconferencing licenses which has resulted in additional cost savings for the company.