youtube video goes black when i switch tabs

Copper Contributor

when i play a video on youtube or dailymotion or any other video sharing site and switch tabs to another site i opened then return to the video the screen goes black with audio only .. idk how to solve this problem it's really annoying

6 Replies
Which Edge channel are you using?
try turning off hardware acceleration from here and see if it changes anything:

i'm using the new chromium edge .. i'll try disabling hardware accleration@HotCakeX 

Thanks, let me know how it goes.

by the way the new Edge has 4 channels 🙂
You can see your channel and version by clicking on the ellipsis menu "..." 3 dots, go to Help and Feedback => About Microsoft Edge

though I assume you're using the stable channel.

the other 3 channels, which are beta, Dev and Canary, are here:

actually turning off hardware acceleration helped with the problem .. i didn't know about those 4 channels it turned out i'm using the beta version  @HotCakeX 

Okay you can keep it off as a temporary workaround but if you haven't already, it's better to report the same thing using feedback button on browser so developers can get more info about your case.

just go in chrome://flags and disable Calculate window occlusion on Windows@m7moud07