Feb 05 2020 06:20 AM
Until recently the title bar of my Apps (normal Websites, that I installed as Apps) was OK. But about two weeks ago, the title bar became smaller (or thinner). This looks very ugly and is very annoying. Specifically, if the window is normalized, the title bar has the same height as before. But when maximized, the title bar gets thinner.
I have enough space on my screen. And I recently use the buttons on the title bar (most commonly Minimize and Close). It is really annoying, because now these buttons also got smaller.
I hope this will be fixed soon.
But maybe other people see it differently and like the smaller title bar. Or can this be configured?
Feb 05 2020 06:36 AM
Feb 05 2020 01:28 PM
@MartinProhn thanks for reporting that!
We are doing a lot of work in that area right now, and I expect this is a regression. The height of the titlebar should not change between being maximized and not. I've logged that bug internally.
We don't want it to be too tall because the app contents have to shine, but we do want it to be consistent.
-John Jansen
Feb 05 2020 03:13 PM
Feb 05 2020 03:45 PM
@AlexaRx3 yeah, we like the idea of customization here. We've proposed that it be up to the developer who is writing the PWA to decide on the Title Bar, as explained here: https://github.com/MicrosoftEdge/MSEdgeExplainers/blob/master/TitleBarCustomization/explainer.md
But I do want to make sure we are data driven about the defaults for times when there is no manifest to tell us what to do, or times when a developer leaves out the customization section of the manifest.
Feb 05 2020 07:22 PM
Aug 29 2021 08:34 PM
@MartinProhnThis problem appears in every win32 app now, and it spread to WinUI 2.6 apps with Xaml Island. On my 4K screen, every win32 app and Xaml Island app maximized window title bar height will be 1mm thinner than the normal state.