Please add an option to translate only on demand

Iron Contributor

Current translator user experience is very cumbersome, every time you open a page on a foreign language, edge pop-up translator panel with four options: translate now/ not now, always / never translate on this language. I guess I am not the only one who knows a few languages on some level and need assistance with certain areas, not for the entire page. Sadly but I see there is no option for this and every time I get the irritating translator menu. 


Also, I don't understand, how the context menu translator works. I guess it proposes to translate the page to English by default but when you set in the language menu "offer to translate pages on this language" to English - you get an option to translate on your browser's language.


1 Reply


Yes, the Edge built in translation first checks the web page text language with the language set in the Edge settings, if they are not the same, it will offer to translate the page for you.


the options are pretty straightforward

here is an exampleAnnotation 2019-10-23 144517.png



  • if you are familiar with a foreign language (For example Russian) and don't want Edge to show you translation prompt for that language, then choose "Never Translate Russian"


  • if you want Edge to Automatically and always translate Russian for you without showing you the prompt, then choose "Always translate pages from Russian"


  • If you want to temporary ignore the prompt, choose "Not Now"


  • If you want to completely disable the built in translation feature in the Edge browser, you can do so by disabling this flag in here: edge://flags/


Annotation 2019-10-23 145024.png