Forum Discussion

Никита Глазов's avatar
Никита Глазов
Copper Contributor
Apr 12, 2021

Instagram stories looks bad

When i see instagram stories it looks very bad. I've tried check it in Chrome and it looks well.

Tried to find out some setting, but nothing helps me


I blurred only nickname



  • Hi,
    which Edge version does this happen on? and also please try disabling all of your extensions and see if it changes anything.

    you can also clear browser cache data from here: edge://settings/clearBrowserData
    that sometimes fixes website loading issues as well.
    hope that helps
    • Никита Глазов's avatar
      Никита Глазов
      Copper Contributor

      HotCakeX i have same issue on mobile phone (i don't have any extensions there)

      Also i tried to clear all caches and did not get any result on desktop



      Here is diff on same page with chrome and edge. I found missing srcset in edge

      • HotCakeX's avatar
        I tried Instagram stories on my Edge Version 89.0.774.76 (Official build) (64-bit)
        and also Version 91.0.845.2 (Official build) dev (64-bit)
        I have a bunch of extensions too. everything loaded correctly (I'm on Windows)
        I don't know exactly how it looks bad for you, couldn't notice it from the screenshot you attached in the first post.

        I think at this point the best way is to send a feedback using the feedback button on Edge.
        press Edge's (...) menu button => Help and feedback => send feedback

        you can then click on attachment, go to recreate my problem, start recording, and while it's recording, reproduce the problem again and send it.
  • IvanOGlob's avatar
    Copper Contributor
    I have the same problem too on my MacBook. In Chrome it is good quality, in Edge static images in Instagram stories are always blurred.
    • adamvy1's avatar
      Copper Contributor

      The app is good, but it's been glitching a lot. I can't watch all the stories because the videos freeze after a few seconds and I can only listen to the audio. I tried uninstalling and reinstalling a few times, but it didn't work. Instagram video downloader 2x official

  • tyliu2's avatar
    Copper Contributor

    Никита Глазов thanks for letting me know I'm not the only one.  when I used Edge to view the story, the image returned from IG CDN is of smaller size and dimension, much less than 10KB and is 480x240 usually.  when I used firefox to view exactly the same story, the image returned from IG CDN is relatively larger, around 33KB and it's about 850x480 pixel.


    Specifically to my own IG story, its image URL made by Edge is started with and the one made by Firefox is started with 


    If we look at the JSON response from the media network call, you will see there are 12 diff. dimensions for Edge to choose, e.g.{your IG id here}.  Then you can see there are 13 choices of dimensions under "reels_media[0].items[0].image_versions2".


    I believe you are right that the attribute "srcset" is missing in Edge, such that the response image handling logic is not triggered, as shown in:


    var s = i(d[0])(function () {
    return !r(d[1]).isBrowser('Edge') && 'srcset' in document.createElement('img')

  • MikeWaars's avatar
    Copper Contributor

    I know my reply is a bit late, but I’d like to chime in. Have you tried clearing your cache and cookies on the Instagram app? That might help improve the display. Also, make sure you have a stable internet connection as it can affect how images and videos load. On a side note, I wanted to mention that I actually promote my brand through an Instagram blog as well. I've found that using the services of an Instagram influencer marketing agency has been really helpful in creating top-notch content, including stories. It could be worth exploring if you're looking to enhance your Instagram presence.
