Edge triggers DNS requests ignoring DoH?

Brass Contributor

Edge has recently started to trigger DNS requests via UDP port 53.

I have both, Windows 11 Home with DoH and Edge with DoH profile.

I have disabled any  DNS feature that could cause additional DNS.









Switches: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft\Edge\Application\msedge.exe" --disable-webgl --enable-features="EnableCsrssLockdown,EncryptedClientHello,GpuAppContainer,IsolateSandboxedIframes,RendererAppContainer" --no-pings


P.S.: I have also blocked msn to get the clean new tab, but this was not an issue before.

3 Replies

This is getting ridiculous. I understand that Edge wants to connect, if something is blocked, but why it wants to connect via UDP, when DOH(ECH) is explicitly enabled?

Edge is still slow and the issue repeats even when it is running nonstop.
I have to wait for 5 secs till it starts and then again every 5 mins or so.

DNS blocked - https://gyazo.com/c195a0a4329c82a7183fdfa5a028c7dd
DNS allowed - https://gyazo.com/bc1ec72f4a6f689ccb6495eed1d066c6

I have started to use Bing and even allowed bingapis and the problem still persists.

I guess this is my punishment for using MS services only. Maybe it is time to switch?