Edge feedback is a lottery, but brings a smile sometimes :)

Iron Contributor

I'm serious. I've got very nice confirmation yesterday that I was heard. I'm not snobbish blob, I am not alone in my requests, so all kudos go to all of Insiders wanting to improve Edge here and there and asking for the same improvements. Let me repeat two topics I've got confirmations from Microsoft and illustrate them.



1) Quote from feedback - "Having vertical tab groups is godsend goody! But I like to have Tab actions menu pinned and kept it narrowed. The bad thing is that the names of tabs are unreadable. I can look at icons to know what is what, but short names would be better. Alas, I cannot rename tab's name, there's no such option. Would you mind correcting this part of Edge? Thank you. See my screenshot."

[Fig. 1]



[Fig. 2]

Microsoft "diploma" ;)

Web capture_1-10-2021_144941_poczta.o2.pl.jpeg


2) Quote from feedback - "I've tinkered with Bing for a while. What hit me, was that Bing panel with searched results is not so much usable. I can click one hyperlink from result list, but it opens in a new tab only. I've searched in Edge and Bing Settings, but to no avail. I wasn't able to open new page in the same Bing panel (see my screenshot).


To circumvent the nasty hindrance I switched off StartPage from Extensions (it was not necessary it had appeared later) firstly. I added StartPage to Apps list then. In next step I resized StartPage app window to match Favorites right panel and then __switched off__ StartPage's option "Open search in new tab" (quote from Settings: "Click on a search result will open that page in a new tab"). As a result I found solution which enabled me to dodge the redundant hassle when I am clicking a hyperlink in Bing panel -
leading to new page in new tab, what was taking my attention away from watched page. Everything  what I said here is illustrated by my screenshot."


[Fig. 3] Another issue, more serious.



[Fig. 4] Another nice feedback from Microsoft

Web capture_1-10-2021_144719_poczta.o2.pl.jpeg

MS Edge Dev 96.0.1028.0-1
Debian Bullseye GNU/Linux 5.10.46-5, X.org 1.20.11, IceWM 2.1.2
Nvidia GeForce GTX 650, Driver 460.91.03, systemd 247 (247.3-6)

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Edge feedback is a type of feedback that occurs at the boundaries or limits of a system or process. It can be unpredictable and may not always be useful or positive, but it can also bring unexpected benefits or insights.