Edge Developers, why do you run experiments in Edge Stable channel?


I need an Edge channel that is Free from all the experiments and is stable.

but Edge stable channel is not stable anymore. I read the Official change log in Microsoft Docs,

it says there is vertical tabs, okay, then i open up my Edge, check everywhere, there is no sign of these features. after that I turn on a VPN, then I get vertical tabs after a browser restart.


did you mention in the change log that user need to use flags? nope, it says these features are added to Edge, mentions no flags, mentions no group policy. mentions no need for special VPN.


these are activated based on user location and region, easily proved by simple VPNs.


but why do you do this? it's really not acceptable to run experiments in Edge stable. there are 3 insider channels for experiments already. I need a channel that is stable and the experience of all users on it, regardless of their location, is the same, that's the actual meaning of stable.


I've sent lots of feedbacks through browser and other places, but this is still going on.



  • Improve productivity and multi-tasking with vertical tabs. As the number of horizontal tabs grows, site titles start to get cut off and tab controls are lost as each tab shrinks. This interrupts user workflow as they spend more time finding, switching, and managing their tabs and less time on the task at hand. Vertical tabs let users move their tabs to the side, where vertically aligned icons and longer site titles make it easier to quickly scan, identify and switch to the tab they want to open.



there is also no mention of the new favorites flyout menu that was added to Edge stable. it was a controlled feature rollout too.

29 Replies
Windows developers also sin with this, activating the header in the settings application, depending on the region and PC characteristics.
Yes, I totally agree. I thought that Edge Stable was the version that had all the features and that everyone one using Stable had the same. That it was a testing ground since I expected that my edge would match the other stables. This is just ridiculous.

I was waiting for Vertical Tabs, Password Mointer/Generator for a very long time and I thought I was going to get it in 88 but it seems I have to wait even longer.

The flag is available. I've enabled it manually
Yes, I understand it is a flag but that is considered a experiment and I wanted a Stable browser that had all the features it said it would have and not giving me experiments.
"Windows developers also sin with this, activating the header in the settings application, depending on the region and PC characteristics."

I thought it only happened in insider builds
No, it happened to my 2 stable (build 19042) PCs, the header disappeared after a week, now it is showing again on one PC.
What do you mean by header?

@MissyQ @josh_bodner I hope that the team is seeing this. 

"No, it happened to my 2 stable (build 19042) PCs, the header disappeared after a week, now it is showing again on one PC."

they do some server-side changes, that's not as big as what we see on Edge stable.

another server-side change is the search area in Windows, don't have to modify anything on your system, just change the way things appear on their cloud server.

the header and Windows search get their data live from the cloud.


if you're using up to date Windows 10, open up the settings and everything you see at the top is called settings header, like your profile pic, your email, your Microsoft reward points etc.

you need to be connected to the Internet to get correct data

Header is just as stable (or unstable) as Vertical tabs. Microsoft is literally doing "testing in production".



Like this? I haven't seen it and I want it but I dont' have it. Is it coming to stable or is it only for insiders?


it periodically appears in stable (after which the settings app crashes frequently)
I see, I see that is very intersting. I do love that header as seen in photos from onlien sources, haven't had it either. It would be nice if you can edit waht is shown, since some people dont' want to use BIng or Edge. So taht would be nice to just have windowsupdate show
"Header is just as stable (or unstable) as Vertical tabs. Microsoft is literally doing "testing in production"."

huh o.O

that header makes nothing unstable, vertical tabs is also not unstable
"Like this? I haven't seen it and I want it but I dont' have it. Is it coming to stable or is it only for insiders?"

nothing is added to the post if your referring to a picture
"I see, I see that is very intersting. I do love that header as seen in photos from onlien sources, haven't had it either. It would be nice if you can edit waht is shown, since some people dont' want to use BIng or Edge. So taht would be nice to just have windowsupdate show"

make sure you stay on latest Windows version and also it might be a controlled feature rollout, they wanna play it safe