Edge Dark Mode bugging out

Copper Contributor

Update: The problem seemed to be the force dark mode flag in the "edge://flags" section. that seemed to be causing issues. If someone has a problem like this do try turning that off.


I turned on the dark mode in edge and some websites didn't work correctly so i turned it off. Now it doesn't register it correctly and shows light text on light websites, dark on dark websites, pdf scrolling down does flashes of black and white on the either sides of screen where there is no document shown. Its really annoying sometimes renders it useless. I've tried clearing cache, removing and deleting my account and log back in but even then nothing happens. 


Imagine the bars and stuff in the image, but flickering like a strobe light, plus the top interface doesnt seem right too of the pdf reader.


You can even see my mode is on light mode, yet its all dark




9 Replies
since it's "forced" you can always expect problems.
Hi I have high contrast settings - for me everything in Windows is black! I in Edge never have a problem with the black screen background! I recommend changing the settings to high contrast and personal setting! It works reliably for a long time on many computers - worth checking! Write if you change the settings

High contrast works well, but looks horrible. I can't see how i can use it in the long run 😬

yeah,that was expected, but I just kinda forgot that I had turned it on so ig that's why i was dumbfounded at first. for now im using an extension and i togle it on and off depending if a website works well with it or not
I'm doing the same 🙂
wish every website was smart enough and detect browser is using dark mode and used the correct theme accordingly

Witam dla mnie tryb wysokiego kontrastu jest idealny, ale zapomniałem, że zmieniam domyślne ustawienia karty graficznej - aby zmienić na ciepły kolor! Dodam, że polecam również aktualizację sterowników karty graficznej ' Dodam zrzut ekranu! Dodam, że polecam również aktualizację sterowników karty graficznej ' Dodam zrzut ekranu! Uważam, że user-connecting tryb ciemny nie powinien się zastanawiać, jaki 👍 silnik ma witrynę i czy będzie działać - dobrze, że dodał zrzuty ekranu pokazuje błędy - które nie zamierzam uzasadnić! Nie mam takich błędów w moich ustawieniach! Miłego

I have an hd4400 integrated graphics. they dont have a problem in light gaming or drivers since microsoft windows usually updates them by itself. But i did try out the high contrast mode and it works nice as a dark mode, but the white boxes around icons and stuff ruins the look imo.
ive uploaded a picture showing what i dont like about the high contrast mode.
Thank you very much! Thank you very much! Thank you very much! I have a Toolbar at the top - it is hidden - I recommend this setting! I have a Toolbar at the top - it is hidden - I recommend this setting! I have large screens white - the background would not withstand my eyes! Best regards