Edge 88 hangs / fails when setting up sync

Copper Contributor

When Edge 88 came out I frantically 😉 enabled the long-awaited History sync on all my PCs... and it stuck at "Setting up sync..."


For days...


Please refer to https://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/microsoftedge/forum/msedge_profile-msedge_win10/edge-88-hangs-fails-when-setting-up-sync/bb34720f-e279-49e6-ade7-2c7000997044?tm=1611843238649&auth=1   for full details about the problem (I'm also attaching the screenshots here) -- copy/pasting my problem description here results in a blocking "Your post has been changed because invalid HTML was found in the message body. The invalid HTML has been removed. Please review the message and submit the message when you are satisfied."






6 Replies
I have actually read some of these data and it seems, the problem come with ip connection to edge activity, had you try (in a controlled environement to shut down firewall/network-filter for outgoing request ?

to explain my idea, it's because many of these error are "timed out" so it must be a package "droped" by a security system (firewall or network filter)

I get the exact same symptoms / error messages when using my phone's 4G data connection (so no ISP router firewall there...).
in this case i suggest you to directly open a support request on edgeinsider website : https://www.microsoftedgeinsider.com/en-us/support/request