DevTools Network Tab hiding Options Requests?

Copper Contributor

Using Version 82.0.446.0 (Official build) dev (64-bit)


I've been working getting a new SPA + API set up on my dev box and noticed that no OPTIONS requests are being shown in the Network Tab.


Now, under normal circumstances I'd say that's fine, and if there's an option to show/hide the OPTIONS requests great, but I'm working on on getting CORS configured correctly on the server and need to see these requests, and I'd prefer to do it without needing to fire up Fiddler.


For reference attached are the relevant sections from DevTools for EdgeDev and Fiddler which show the options request going to the server but not appearing in the Network pane of DevTools.



2 Replies

@Gavin Barron 

It looks like this is a CORS preflight request ( OPTIONS request is not observed by the page and is required by cross-origin resource sharing protocol. They occur for virtually any cross-origin request and so they're probably filtered out (or not sent to DevTools at all) because they would create a lot of noise.
That being said, I have logged the request to show preflight requests, and I'm happy to hear any further thoughts or solutions you would like to see implemented. :)


Is it implemented yet? It is 2023 now... An option to see OPTIONS would be really very needed!


