Forum Discussion
Oct 03, 2023Dev Channel update to 119.0.2132 is live
Hello Insiders! We released build 119.0.2132 to the Dev channel! This includes numerous fixes. For more details on the changes, check out the highlights below.
Dynamic Lighting is now available on Windows 11 - Microsoft Edge Blog (
Added features:
- Added 'New Update Recommended' action into Browser Essentials.
- Added feature flag to allow auto-grouping with just one tab.
- Added data consistency compare result as a section in sync-internals page.
- Added support for "add to favorites" feature in the right-click context menu.
- Added "new tab group" icon to quick tab actions menu.
- Added function to the menu model that moves all items past a certain index into a submenu.
- Android: Codex support landscape mode
Improved reliability:
- Fixed a browser crash when clicking on a credit card field shows autofill dropdown.
- Fixed a browser crash when clicking "Open Side Panel to see All Bookmarks" in favorites bar.
- Fixed: Tab key doesn't work correctly in address bar
- Fixed spacing issue caused by tab group minor text.
- Android: Fixed an NPE crash for desktop site mode.
Changed behavior:
- Profiles: This allows editing avatars in associated profiles
- User can now save the shopping shoreline icon state.
- Fixed issue where user reports now able to copy using CTRL+C when "Mini menu on text selection" is enabled.
- Sidebar adjusts icon color in high contrast mode to ensure that switch currently on hover.
- Fixed accessibility issue which announces success message for Copy link button in share dialog
- Fixed an issue when text in Editor's radio button text doesn't appear in High Contrast Aquatic Mode.
- Fixed an issue when "Loading" text isn't translated on Desktop/Mobile when setting Top 9 Languages (Not include English (US)).
- Fixed an issue with tabs added while Fluid container is disconnected (not closed) getting lost if workspace closed before reconnecting.
- Fixed a bug when no action was being performed on invoking 'Open Workspace' button using keyboard with 'Enter/Space' keys.
- Fixed a jitter issue when renaming the first-level folder of Other Favorites in 'List view' and then clicking outside the input box.
- Fixed an issue where the omnibox notification was not being closed on page navigation or active tab change.
- Changed control button back to horizontal layout in split screen.
- iOS: Fixed an issue where clicking the tab suggestion should go to opened tab.
- iOS: There would be no translation of page on edge:* sites
- Android: Fixed a bug when keyboard focus is not visible in wallpaper edit page.
- Android: Fixed an issue when tab group cannot be shown in 'recently closed'.
See an issue that you think might be a bug? Remember to send that directly through the in-app feedback by heading to the ... menu > Help and feedback > Send feedback and include diagnostics so the team can investigate.
Thanks again for sending us feedback and helping us improve our Insider builds.
22 Replies
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- WiesshundBrass ContributorCredit cards are still not working.
They work one time after updating, and then go back to being broken.
This even happens on a fresh clean install of windows itself
You click a credit card form
it prompts you to pick the card you have saved
You pick the card
it asks for the 3 digit security code from the card
you enter it.
The 1st time, it spins a bit then asks for PIN
after the 1st time it never asks for PIN again it just keeps returning to the security code screen.
We have been reporting this via help and feedback, many of us, over and over.
I wish someone would acknowledge this issue.
You are forcing us to use chrome, which does not have this issue. - BoydBIron ContributorWill someone from Microsoft acknowledge the incomplete download issue? Thanks.
- Limyx826Iron ContributorI felt like the current Edge team didn't care about the product at all. I guess it's time to switch browser.
- ybgjj2009Brass Contributor这个版本真的让人崩溃了!
继下载不能完成后,收藏夹的项目移动出问题了:当在折叠的收藏夹菜单用鼠标左键拖动一个项目往最上方箭头拖动时,整个收藏夹菜单项目会由下往上滚动,而不是期望的由上往下滚动;当拖动菜单项往底部的箭头时,菜单项会正确地由下往上滚动。 - NXTwoThouIron ContributorAnd Canary v119.0.2144.0 randomly closes and still has the download bug. lol. I understand it being this broken in Canary, but don't understand why something as major as the downloading bug would have made it into Dev. I reported it the same day it started because I download multiple times a day.
- NXTwoThouIron Contributorv119.0.2145.0 The only tab open was Settings->About and just let it sit unattended until it crashed after about two minutes. Bucket ID 4d6cf8e8464ed51d3515cf8d71e9368f CAB ID 14c3efd0-5313-4f87-a064-b6f8cc703876
- sean8102Brass ContributorAnd still AV1 is completely broken.
- louise720Copper ContributorDownloads broken for me in the same way as everyone else.
- Limyx826Iron Contributor
sweta_bandodker The download issue is a serious bug/glitch, please tell us there is a fix coming out soon.
- Russ_TurrentineBrass ContributorWhy is the welcome page not being updated and shown after the browser update? I was thinking there weren't any posts related to the update. Apparently, we just have to go searching for information if we want to read it.
- JSM4864Copper ContributorI'd like to see the welcome page again - so much easier!
- lexcynSteel ContributorAs others have mentioned, downloads in this build are completely broken. As in, downloads do not work AT ALL. This was an issue in the same version in Canary and was not fixed (how??).