after update stable version, autofill id and password is not working well

Copper Contributor





after edge stable update version 125 and then, autofill id and password is not works well.

but edge before version and other chromium bases browsers was all ok.


i 've seen other discussions that it works fine after canary version, but not in my case.


login page has a different types URL, but page layout and html files are same.


for example,
there are '' and ''
and password pocket contains login data like '' / id: bbb / pw: 1234.


It works fine on but not on


i had installed different types of edge browser like stable, develop, canary

but i had all same problem.


can you suggest any ideas?


3 Replies


I have the same password problems with version 125.0.2535.92 Some web pages that have a timer no longer work properly. With Edge Canary everything works so far

Version 126.0.2592.56 autofill ID still doesn't work! Example: Banking page, I always have to enter 15 digits because Edge doesn't remember the login! (It only remembers the password). It works perfectly with Edge Canary.
when the Edge browser is run, it communicates with '' to download browser environment infos.
and the downloaded data is saved as a cache file in a specific path.
i think is that autofill-related data for the Edge browser is recorded in one of the cache files.
I checked that Autofill was operating normally after deleting the files in that path and blocking data from receiving from ''.
i'm not sure whether the problem is the blacklist or an issue with Edge browser's behavior regarding autofill.