Forum Discussion
After serval years of complaining the History Sidebar still DOES NOT highlight.
Can someone please explain to me why the History Sidebar DOES NOT keep the selected history item selected after you move your mouse away from it after clicking it! (THIS A IS NORMALLY CALLED A SELECTED STATE).
The OLD, OLD, OLD INterener Explorer could do the above mentioned. Yet, after several years of complaining (some using curse words) about EDGE not being able to KEEP THE SELECT HISTORY SIDEBAR ITEM HIGHLIGHTED after you selected it then move yoiu mouse away, no one can tell why the developer(s) cannot had a selected state to a clicked history sidebar item TO SAY SELECTED until you select another one.
WHY you may ask: Having dozens of history item that you want to view again (usually items and prices for Amazon for me), you have NO WAY OF KNOWING WHERE THE HELL YOU LEFT OFF once you selcted a sidebar history item, move your mouse and then go back to select the next item WHERE YOU LEFT OFF !!!!!!!!!!!!!!