Forum Discussion
May 01, 2023Copper Contributor
May 03, 2023Iron Contributor
这可能是因为已删除的配置文件在 Windows 应用程序中仍然可用。 在 Windows 任务栏的搜索框中输入电子邮件和帐户 > 在其他应用程序使用的帐户下查找 > 如果您看到该帐户在那里,请将其删除,然后检查它是否已从 MS Edge 的配置文件弹出窗口中删除。
This might be because the removed profile is still available across Windows apps. Enter Email & Accounts in the search box of the Windows taskbar > Look under Accounts used by other apps > If you see the account is there remove it, then check if it's been removed from the profile flyout in MS Edge.
This might be because the removed profile is still available across Windows apps. Enter Email & Accounts in the search box of the Windows taskbar > Look under Accounts used by other apps > If you see the account is there remove it, then check if it's been removed from the profile flyout in MS Edge.
- wwww1385May 04, 2023Copper Contributor
我这个是windows11家庭版,没有找到你说的,或者是我不太明白你想要表达什么。我的理解是edge浏览器退出了删除了,但是系统的账号依然登录,所以需要把系统上的账号删除或者改本地账户登录,是这个意思吗【搜索框中输入电子邮件和帐户 > 在其他应用程序使用的帐户下查找 >】从这里没有找到东西Jeremiah-V