Feb 03 2019 12:40 PM
Hi all,
We have deployed office 2016 with groove to our windows 10 1709 clients only to discover later that we have a problem with OneDrive next gen clients.
I have created an msp file to "uninstall" OneDrive and I want to deploy it as an application. I need a way to detect that.
Searching the web didn't give answers just the way to install and I don't know what to search for because the Groove.exe file is still there after uninstalling and the registry is like finding a needle in a haystack.
Any Ideas?
May 08 2019 07:30 AM
@RahamimL Our solution was uninstalling Office 365 and reinstalling. Our version of Office 365 does not install Groove.exe.. I tried to just remove Groove.exe. but was not able to make it stay uninstalled after a reboot.
Good luck.
May 12 2019 06:33 AM
@JeremyStehle Thank you for the reply, I forgot to mention that our Office installation is 2016 MSI.
We are about to install Office 365 and when we will do that we will deploy it without Groove.
In any case I decided to use the package option and it seemed to work.