Jul 16 2020 12:35 AM
Hi fellow technical pros
Quick question I have.
I have large estate (approx. 7000 clients), using HP end user devices and we use 1910 Configuration manager and Intune, co-managed, hybrid AD joined and using 1809 for Windows 10.
Am I able to identify running either a report in Configuration manager or elsewhere to find out
I am aware within CM as part of a task sequence I can enable this functionality but before we do this I need to understand what the current state of play is.
Is there a way for me to achieve this?
Many Thanks
Jul 16 2020 08:00 AM
@isotonic_uk You should be able to leverage Configuration Manager hardware inventory for this. The information you need can be found in the UEFI property of the SMS_Firmware class and the Type property of the Win32_DiskPartition class respectively. See Task sequence steps to manage BIOS to UEFI conversion for more detailed information.