Jun 25 2018 04:40 PM
Network Performance Monitor’s (NPM) Service Connectivity Monitor, previously in preview as Service Endpoint Monitor, is making general availability sporting a new name. With Service Connectivity Monitor, you can now monitor connectivity to services such as applications, URIs, VMs, and network devices, as well as determine what infrastructure is in the path and where network bottlenecks are occurring.
As services and users are becoming more dispersed across clouds, branch offices, and remote geographies, it is becoming more difficult to determine the cause of a service outage or performance degradation. These can be due to an issue with the application, stack, or cluster as well as network issues in the cloud, the carrier network, or in the first-mile. Service Connectivity Monitor integrates the monitoring and visualization of the performance of your internally hosted and cloud services with the end-to-end network performance. You can create connectivity tests from key points in your network to your services and identify whether the problem is due to the network or the application. With the network topology map, you can locate the links and interfaces experiencing high loss and latencies, helping you identify external and internal troublesome network segments.
Read about it in the Azure blog.