Muhammad Ausaf Ali Yousaf
Jul 15, 2017Copper Contributor
How to connect two VM's on Azure?
Dear Memebrs; I have the following setup in Azure Cloud: (CentOS-trust VM) -------( VM) All VM's have a seperate Mgmt Network w...
- Jul 24, 2017
Do you mean that Ping does not work ?
i notice that both VM's have a 10.x.x.x/24 would they happen to be in the same VNET or /16 ?
Unless you configured DNS for the public facing MGMT ip's then no, they would never use that address, but if they are on each thier own VNET, then you have to enable peering or VPN between the 2 sites, but here you may have overlapping VNET's.
perhaps you could provide some screen dumps, VNET and NIC's
On a side note, if you must use public facing ip's (VPN would be better) then remeber to use strict NSG's to prevent unwanted attacks.