Azure webapplication in Visual Studio Code

Iron Contributor

I try to make the move from Dreamweaver to Visual Studio Code. We're developing an web application in Azure. So in Dreamweaver I add the site in dreamweaver settings and we can start coding. Now I want to do the same in VSC but I cannot find it in the menu and also could not find an answer to this (obvious) question on the internet (so far).


So, where do I define user settings, a link to my azure development site, etc?


Thanks a lot

3 Replies

Using the Azure extension pack I am able to log in my Azure account. I can browse my services but I do not see my files. How can I start coding?

Can someone, from Microsoft maybe, help me out here. I prefer to use Microsoft tools but it's giving me a hard time starting this up.



I just give is another shot. Can't be that hard?
