azure virtual desktop: adding users after initial deployment

Iron Contributor



we are looking into the azure windows virtual desktop which seems like an excellent cloud based VDI solution.  We have deployed it and used a couple of test users (office 365 / Azure AD users).  


How can we add additional users to use virtual desktops.



8 Replies

Hi @Suleyman Ali 


It will depends on how much users have you configured on the initial deployment of the VDI, how much licences do you have, how much machines did you configured on the initial deployment and the method if it were user by machine or pool.


But to add more users, you can do this by the office 365 portal or azure active directory.


Hope it helps.


@RodNetthanks.  we looked at all the documentation and we were able to do this via powershell using add-rdsappgroupuser

@Suleyman Ali  : Can you tell me more on this, I have deployed the Azure VDI successfully, also I can login to the VDI with global admin user ID and pass. I want to add 2 more users to it. max capacity of the pool is 4 . Thanks in advance.

Hi @Amar619

If you have deployd succesfully the WVDI and whant to add more users to use Just follow the steps:

1- The User must exist on Azure AD with a valid UPN, this will be used to give access to VDI.

2 - Open Power Shell and Run the following cmdlet to sign in to the Windows Virtual Desktop environment:

Add-RdsAccount -DeploymentUrl ""

3- Add users to the desktop application group by using this cmdlet:

-TenantName <yourtenantname>
-Hostpoolname <hostpoolname>
- AppGroupName "Desktop Application Group" -UserPrincipalName <userupn>

The references for this cmdlets and steps are described on:

I Hope this could help you.

Remind to pass the same USERUPN for the user on Azure Active Directora.

@RodNet Is there a way to add via a group or do you have to add each user individually?

What do you do in the case of a large deployment?


Hey@Aseem Nayar 


You can also deploy a VDI Management Portal - which currently can only be configured as an App Service. From what I know Microsoft team is working currently to create a new management portal that will be available from the Azure Portal.


Currently I am administering 3 deployments of VDI in Azure and unfortunately for now you can only add single users which has to be synced in your AAD. If you would like to add multiple users I can share a script with you that it will do this for you. You just have to fill CSV file with Username, AppGroup and HostPool column and then script will add all the users to the specific AppGroup for you automaticly.


Currently there are two licensing models. One that is using CAL licensing and the other that is using M365 License or E5 Lisence if you have Windows 10 Enterprise.


Here is the Microsoft Documentation Page with all the Powershell Comands that you can use with Azure VDI Deployment.





Hi Wojciech, can you provide the script to add users from a CSV?

@SMFWC395 I created a script that will sync an AD group with WVD.  It's posted here