WVD Preview timeframe

Copper Contributor


We do have a WVD project for a new customer. It should be online in next 8 weeks.

What timeframe from WVD Preview to final release is expectable?


Would you recommend to build the system on the new preview WVD in Azure portal or better to use the legacy version with powershell?



3 Replies

@breakplease :  I am sorry we didn't got to you earlier on this matter. I believe you have progressed already. 


The spring release is still in preview. If you decide to go to production be aware that Azure Preview terms apply:  https://azure.microsoft.com/en-us/support/legal/preview-supplemental-terms/


For the spring update you have the ability to report issues through support tickets through the usual paths.

@Eva Seydl Dear Eva - thanks for reply.


No we are not in production yet.

If we realzie this with the spring update in preview, will everything migrated to the final edition? or do we need to recreate everything?



@breakplease : This article explains in detail how migration is going to work. Depending on your goals you might need to recreate environment: https://techcommunity.microsoft.com/t5/windows-virtual-desktop/migration-from-fall-2019-to-spring-up...