Forum Discussion

Thomas Aure's avatar
Thomas Aure
Copper Contributor
Apr 10, 2019

Where is the WVD management portal?



Is the "management portal" I have seen in various demos not available in the public preview of WVD?





    • Ben-W's avatar
      Copper Contributor
      Is anyone from the Microsoft team watching this page? Can we have an update please?
      • Roger Critz's avatar
        Roger Critz
        Copper Contributor

        There has not been any activity on this in a while. Did the portal get released and I missed it? Any update would be great.

      • PavithraT's avatar
        Icon for Microsoft rankMicrosoft

        Thomas Aure 


        You can setup the management UI using the following instructions. This is not integrated into the Azure portal but a standalone AppService-based UI:

        To start, go to this GitHub URL.

        Deploy the template to Azure

        If you're deploying in an Enterprise subscription, scroll down and select Deploy to Azure, then skip ahead fill out the parameters.

        If you're deploying in a Cloud Solution Provider subscription, follow these steps to deploy to Azure:

        1. Scroll down and right-click Deploy to Azure, then select Copy Link Location.
        2. Open a text editor like Notepad and paste the link there.
        3. Right after “” and before the hashtag (#) enter an at sign (@) followed by the tenant domain name. Here's an example of the format you should use:
        4. Sign into the Azure portal as a user with Admin/Contributor permissions to the Cloud Solution Provider subscription.
        5. Paste the link you copied to the text editor into the address bar.

        Here is the guidance on the parameters you should enter:

        To launch the UI, click on appservice with name you provided in the template (e.g. Apr3UX) and navigate to the URL associated with it (e.g.

        Sign in using the Your Windows Virtual Desktop credentials.
