Sep 30 2019 07:22 PM
Our company wants to install WVD, and we are doing some test of it, we found we can’t use Teams microphone and video when we have a meeting.
We want to use the Teams microphone and video as we usually used at the client PC.
We think to have a meeting through Teams with Microphone and video is very important, so we hope the WVD team can update this issue quickly.
Oct 01 2019 04:31 PM
Solution@null null, if your devices aren't redirecting at all (Teams has no microphone or camera device available), please check and see whether you're setting the right camera and audio redirection properties: Supported Remote Desktop Properties .
We are making improvements to the Teams on WVD experience that will optimize audio and video streaming. These improvements will be documented when released.
Oct 01 2019 04:43 PM - edited Oct 01 2019 04:46 PM
@Neil_HinnantThanks for your comment, I will check the setting of camera and audio redirection properties. And we hope u team can making improvements audio and video streaming to the Teams on WVD experience. Thanks so much.
And I got some information from @Bill Bliss , please have a check.
We only plan to support remote audio/video scenarios over VDI (Virtualized Desktop Infrastructure) solutions such as Citrix, VMware, and the forthcoming Microsoft Windows Virtual Desktop in Azure. We don't plan to support it over Windows Virtual Desktop. The RDP protocol wasn't really designed for this type of use case. Here's more information on Teams VDI support, although it's not a general purpose solution:
Oct 01 2019 11:16 PM
I changed my RPD setting and now the audio can be used at Teams on WVD (it wasn't support at Html and ipad yet), but I don't know how to setting the camera, can you test it at your environment. Thanks so much.
audiocapturemode:i:value | Indicates whether audio input/output redirection is enabled. | - 0: Disable audio capture from the local device - 1: Enable audio capture from the local device and redirection to an audio application in the remote session |
Oct 03 2019 05:54 PM
Is there some updates about Teams video streaming?
Now I can use the audio phone on WVD Teams and the camera could be used at WVD, but the Vedio phone on WVD Teams not available yet.
Oct 04 2019 07:42 AM
@null null, are you setting the camera property on your RDP connection:
camerastoredirect:s:value | Configures which cameras to redirect. This setting uses a semicolon-delimited list of KSCATEGORY_VIDEO_CAMERA interfaces of cameras enabled for redirection. | - * : Redirect all cameras - One can exclude a specific camera by prepending the symbolic link string with "-", such as camerastoredirect:s:\?\usb#vid_0bda&pid_58b0&mi |
This should enable camera redirection and enable Teams to capture video, unless you have applied configurations to your Teams deployment that disable video calling in the app itself.
Oct 06 2019 05:58 PM
@Neil_Hinnant Thanks so much. Now I can use teams video call at WVD.
The setting way is as below:
Feb 11 2020 02:16 PM
@null null Do we use the per-user or per-machine mode to install Teams? We will deploy FSLogics.
Feb 11 2020 02:17 PM
@Cookiekaikai Hi, you will want to use per-machine installation in general if you are using multi-user host operating systems.
Feb 12 2020 07:00 AM
@Neil_Hinnant Thanks for the quick reply. I tried to install using per-machine mode but I got an error "can't install for all user if VDI is not detected". I am still trying to customize the windows 10 image so I haven't deployed WVD yet. Any thoughts?
Feb 14 2020 02:10 AM
This might help you
Feb 17 2020 10:49 AM
@HandA I'll look into this. Thank you!
Mar 09 2020 10:52 PM
Hey, can you please tell what troubleshooting you have done to make video/audio calls in Microsoft Teams work? I have used power shell commands to enable custom rdp properties.
Set-RdsHostPool -TenantName abc -HostPoolName xyz -CustomRdpProperty $properties
@null null
Mar 10 2020 08:43 AM
@gadmin285 can you be a little more specific about the error you see in practice with Teams calling?
Mar 10 2020 09:24 PM
One of my customer is using WVD and he is using Microsoft Teams. He complained couple of days ago like "I have observed that while using Microsoft teams to make video/audio calls we are not able to access the mic nor the web cam. I get a error message saying there is no camera or microphone which is detectable."So, what I did is i recreated the scenario, I have host-pool used by two users. I enabled the custom RDP properties and executed the following commands in powershell.
Get RdsHostPool -TenantName abc -HostpoolName xyz
Set-RdsHostPool -TenantName abc -HostpoolName xyz -CustomRdpProperties $properties
So I have two users. Userone & Userone both logging into WVD with a separate Windows 10 machine. We are using WVD client to access WVD environement. I have enabled remote desktop options in local machine,
we have a voice call and its successfully and we had a video call it was successful.
So i think it's working. Please share your opinions @Neil_Hinnant
Mar 24 2020 02:15 AM
Is it also possible to redirect camera to the HTML5 version?
Mar 30 2020 10:28 PM
I think it is possible but I am not sure, please give a try. Run a test scenario @cvanaxel
Jun 10 2020 02:16 AM
Oct 01 2019 04:31 PM
Solution@null null, if your devices aren't redirecting at all (Teams has no microphone or camera device available), please check and see whether you're setting the right camera and audio redirection properties: Supported Remote Desktop Properties .
We are making improvements to the Teams on WVD experience that will optimize audio and video streaming. These improvements will be documented when released.