Forum Discussion
Aug 13, 2019Version 1.2.241 of the Windows client now publicly available
We have now publicly released version 1.2.241 of the Windows client. Here's a recap of some of the main changes going from the previous 1.2.175 version to the new 1.2.241 version.
Per-user an...
Aug 14, 2019Copper Contributor
I am having a poor experience with the new client. That when I remove an entitlement for a user I can no longer add any feeds for that client until I uninstall and reinstall the Remote Desktop client.
Methods to reproduce
Entitle a user to a dedicated remote desktop pool and subscribe to that feed via the Remote Desktop client
Then remove the entitlement via powershell i.e.
remove-RdsAppGroupUser SecurePOC0001 SecPool10 "Desktop Application Group" -UserPrincipalName
Now from the Remove Desktop client click the three dots on the pool line, Details and click Update now
This will update your feeds and the unentitled feed will disappear.
However you cannot resubscribe and even if you add the entitlement back
i.e. add-RdsAppGroupUser SecurePOC0001 SecPool10 "Desktop Application Group" -UserPrincipalName
The subscription does not reappear, nor is there an option to add another subscription and you need to reinstall the client again.
tried restarting OS, restarting application, waiting a few hours
my setup
Client machine is Windows 10 1809 -- app installed for all users
WVD with Azure AD and AD DS -- user does not have MFA enabled
Dedicated pool
Can provide more details if you can't reproduce in house
Aug 20, 2019soloji Thank you for reporting the issue. Would you mind reporting the issue on Feedback Hub using the Feedback option in the app? This will make it easier to track.