UPN doesn't show in AVD session hosts tab

Copper Contributor

Hello Everyone,


Today morning onwards we have been watching issues like when i try to see a user session and log them off from HostPool it doesn't showup any UPN or user name over there. even i log into that specific host it doesn't show up anything. i tried restarting that kind of hosts still those staled UPN's are stick to host.

did anyone observed or have a resolution for similar issue



3 Replies

@Praneet_Sardi : please try recreate the hostpool



It may related to host pool maintenance:


Host Pool Maintenance:

  • If a session host becomes unresponsive or shows stale sessions, consider removing it from the host pool.
  • Before deleting the VM, connect to it and disjoin it from the domain (if necessary).


@Praneet_Sardi : I found the solution. Please check if the sessionhosts agent version. If its different then uncheck schedule agent update while deploying sessionhosts. All session hosts should have same agent version